Monday, April 28, 2008

All i could fcuk...

Warning!!! This post contains vulgarity. Please ignore it if you're some holy mankind.

Finally i could steal some time to blog a little before my final paper which i'm gonna sit for it on the 6th of May which is a fcuking 10 days from now. Damn it! it's been helluva month for me where i've reached my 'ultimate stress' revising for my finals which i've pledged to do so a month ago. I fking hate this kinda feeling where everyone has to set themselves to some high end serious study mode worrying for their finals.

Obviously i was in the same condition. Perhaps worst? This semester's finals is so damn ~suicidal, suicidal when i say it's Over~. Due to those fcuking low coursework marks i've successfully achieved!!! proud aint it? I had to soooooo fcuking work hard for my my finals because of that. Plus, lecturers have no mercy in setting our mid terms, marking our assignments and reports.

Apparently, during my study week i got this news from my coursemate whereby somebody has commited suicide jumping off the Alpha apartment at wangsa maju. Pity~ my deepest condolences to that guy. I had to admit this is guy must have gone 'kuku' to throw his life away just like that. We shouldn't let one failure ruin our life ahead, being optimistic yet i still wanna express myself a little here so bear with it >.>

Oh yeah! How well is your finals? Been questioned tonnes and tonnes of time and all i could say is ''Fcuk lor''. I think the other two papers i did averagely but Engineering Maths II is fcuking goodbye and see you again ^.^

All i could do now is fcuk pray hard that my result wouldn't turn out a nightmare unleashing the paranoia inside me that could drive me craze-h. You know? the feeling is like i'm paranoid lookin' over my back ; it's like a whirlwind inside of my head; it's like i can't stop what i'm hearing within it's like a face inside is right Beneath my SKIN~~!

p.s: The above post is not actually how i really think and feel about my possible failure this time. It's just some crappy self expression to bring in some attention haha! Seriously, I had to be optimistic now and persevere to not regret in my future. So whatever challenges that comes, i'll take it positively with much courage not without putting in extra effort. Good luck to me~!

3 kissed me:

Karen said...

jump fr alpha? really onot o?scary la...i wonder who witness when he commit suicide

nostalgia.jesskang said...

haha... i died straight in calculus exam hall... Really FrenchConnectionUnitedKingdom!!!!

Seriously I may fail it, but i pray hard not @@

~K£cќ~ said...

Omg really? Never heard of the news ....