My 'Heng Dai' was finally back to Malaysia on the 21st. Too bad i missed giving him a warm malaysian welcome as i was rushing all the way back from Perlis.
Well pin was actually back from U.S for a very short vacation of a limited 20 days before he goes back to U.S Minnesota state to pursue his study. According to pin, he'll not be coming back to Malaysia again for a long time as he has more things to strive for over there in U.S. True enough la, it's better for him to spend money there than coming back to Malaysia. He'd get better insights there in U.S than looking into our country's pathetic government control over many aspects. There is too much to criticize about our Malaysian government, hence i'm not gonna elaborate more on that.
This 20 days i've promised pin to keep him company and i'd like to cherish the moments left together before we become grown up man in the next 4-5 years. The moment pin was back, we had non stop outing and travels. Though i felt so fucking tired that even got me sick, but it doesn't matter anyhow if he had enjoyed himself well. In this 20 days i want to give him the best memories he can have in Malaysia so that he can cry for home when he's back there in U.S lolz!!!
Aight, Picture time...
Genting Trip
Beauty & The Beasts
The Shoe
Forgottened where we parked our car.
Tada!!! After 20 minutes of running up and down the parking lot.
Eye On Malaysia
Us again.
Kuala Selangor & Sekinchan Trip
His penis is destructive.Watch out girls.
Don't touch me!
Modern statue
ooo sweet
@ pin's grandma's house
We love whacks.
Wan Xin, Pin's dad(tour guide), ME!!!, Kian Soon
Sekinchan Jeng!!!
Every night in my dream, i see you...lalala...
Like Father Like Son
Ronaldhino Wannabe
Displaying his skills. Dont pleh pleh.
The Fishing Village
Playing with rice
The Couple & the Lamp Post
Basketball Kampung Style
Me spinning the ball
Pin teasing me.
The last part gave me bruises on my left eye.
After basketball.
On the way for 'or chen lala'
Supper time. Wheee~~~!
The one handler.
Having sweet and sour time.
Aint fake.
Mango Farm
Lamp post and couple again.
~Good bye Sekinchan~
Eye On Malaysia
Kuala Selangor & Sekinchan Trip
Ronaldhino Wannabe
Displaying his skills. Dont pleh pleh.
Basketball Kampung Style
Me spinning the ball
Pin teasing me.
The last part gave me bruises on my left eye.
1 kissed me:
looked like you have a really good times yea =]
through the picssss, i feeeel a strong bond of brotherhood. =] haha.i guess your loughters have made your friends 20days in M'sia being soooo meaningful hurh =]
msg :
ohya.i'm going to blog here larh.i mean using i noe i wrote in friendster will be pretty not so convenient for you and my friends who are using this. =] and hey.. i'm gonna start my school tml lerh. and 2008, is my year man.haha. SPM. u noe. i wan to get focus this year. really gonna fight till die to get it man =]
and weird.don't like like going back school =[ haha. as this 2 months.just work work work and work! haha. and hey. i get my 1st salary.and i've passed it all to my mummy =] the moment i passed the cheque to my mommy, i feel happy =] at least i'm contributing to the family =] haha. and my 2nd salary is coming ! woohoo!! and u noe. this 2months. beside working in midvalley, i've another part time job. so i tell you secretly....i've earned like 3000 within these 2months. haha. although not a great amount, i feel happy too. as i'm earning money.haha. and work by my own hand. haha. hey.although major part of my salary gave to my family, i still able to belanja you makan.hehe. maybe during your 20th!!!! brithday.hahahaha.. hey..ohya. i want to apologize to you wei. i know i've been msg you quite often these 2months.but u don't worry u gonna start your study and i'm gonna be busy also so.... i won't KACAU you geh.hehehehe.. and hey..thanks for teman ing larh.haha always reply me.haha. thanks larh.i appreciate it so much larh =P and we work hard together !! wow ..go go go !!! haha hey.. u arr..take a good care of yourself.haha. ur hostel is stuffy rite ? so.. u noe..u must drink lots of water *hint : just bring the glass i've gave you =P * hehe.and drink more more water. dun wan hearrrrr you sick again ar...haha. study hard .but play harder ! wakakaka xD
happy studying and all the best !
wow.going to fight! hehe...
and wei.sorry larh...haha..its doesn't seem looked like a comment but is just wat i want to tell you but can't tell you in msn i wrote quite long here. just wanted to give you this msg larh =)
and..if got freeeeee time..really very free time a 1 cm cube of your mind to think of peiyee i will miss you arr!!..haha...
lots of loves,
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